
Monday, November 12, 2012

CWLC # 17 Birthday/a number

Good Morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend,, I know i did just been really busy..
This week we are going to focus on BIRTHDAY cards or craft projects!
There is a little "Twist" you MUST include a NUMBER!

We have an awesome sponsor this week:

Bugaboo was kind enough to give us an image to work with and the image i chose was Edward Present

He was colored with prisma colored pencils and blended with oms,

The DP is from American crafts called "The Goods" added a flower button with some Bakers twine to make it stand out... This card is for someone 5th birthday....
added  a speckled Happy Birthday and some gems to bling it up..I think of it as a very fun card for someone special..
Thanks for all the wonderful comment and be sure to check out our othe dt members blog and comment on their cards too..

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous image and colours Lisa, I like that stipey paper lol...luv anniexx
